Discover complete sustainability reporting software.

Find solutions and report on your organisation’s impact across a variety of environmental, community and operational sustainability outcomes. 

Discover an all-new, complete sustainability reporting software solution with advanced reporting, compelling story telling, and easy to use step-by-step wizard. Oatas’ powerful software is packed with features to save time, create solutions and drive positive change in your business.

Our actions tell a story. Let us help you tell yours.

What you can achieve with Oatas

Oatas empowers you to not only track, measure and report on your current sustainability actions, but to also find solutions to further improve your organisation’s environmental impact.

Oatas supports a complete range of sustainable outcomes, including environmental, community and operational sustainability.

Reduce your Carbon Emissions


Show your commitment to reducing your carbon footprint.

Create a strategy to become carbon neutral.

Track and report your progress.

Reduce your energy consumption


Create a plan to minimise the use of non-renewable energy sources and increase the use of renewable sources of energy.

Find solutions to maximise energy efficiencies.

Track and report your progress.

Reduce waste in your business


Highlight the current waste streams in your business.

Set goals to reduce or improve the diversion of these.

Track and report your progress.

Manage your water usage in your business


Highlight the ways in which you currently use water.

Find solutions on how you can be more responsible with your water consumption.

Track and report your progress.

Use social procurement to help your community


Highlight the current impact you are achieving in your supply chain.

Identify opportunities that could be relevant.

Report the impact you create when you use impact enterprises.

What makes Oatas unique

Oatas was created by socially responsible businesses for sustainably conscious businesses. Join our movement and make positive change in your organisation.

  • Our Solution Database lets you build a tailored sustainability plan by selecting outcomes and activities that matter to your business and stakeholders.

  • Our software empowers you to track and report on your organisations impact in over 10 different outcome features, including environmental, community and operational areas.

  • The reporting area features a combination of data and story reporting which provides you with multiple ways to show your progress and story.

  • Our team has developed a wizard which takes you step-by step through the creation of a sustainability plan for the selected outcome you are working on e.g Waste Management Plan.

  • Once you have inputted all of your information relevant to the selected outcome you can push a button and view your whole plan which can then be linked to your website.

Simple to use, intuitive interface

Oatas empowers you to design, drive and deliver a sustainability program that suits your organisation through the use of simple-to-use tools and intuitive interface.

Oatas - Sustainable reporting software tool for businesses
Oatas - Dashboard show examples of solutions to help you achieve your sustainability goals

Our story

Team at Oatas, New Zealand

Oatas was designed and created by Upstream - a social procurement platform in New Zealand. Upstream generates funding for youth charities in Aotearoa by connecting consumers with socially conscious businesses. As the Upstream platform grew, our team recognised an opportunity to create impact on a broader scale by empowering companies in New Zealand and around the world to progress towards their sustainability outcomes.

What are your goals for your sustainability plan?

We’d love to help you achieve these and more.